The Idea Program

DYO: Design Your Own

"Everyone of us ... lives closer to the brink of obsolescence. Each one of us that is adult and qualified feels menaced in some degree by the push of new developments which establish themselves only by discarding the methods and techniques and theories that he has learnt to master ... Inasmuch as experience counts for less and knowledge, upto date knowledge, far more in a world of recurring obsolescence, the status of older men falls relative to that of younger men ... The rapidity of change in social conventions and moral attitudes, associated with technological transformations in the mode of living, renders a person’s experience of the world a generation ago largely irrelevant to the problems of the day."

Prof. E.J. Mishan, The Costs of Economic Growth.

"I wanted to be an architect, but…"
A dollar for every time I've heard that.
In the Information Age, their wish may come true.

In the Industrial Age, architects had an education advantage.
Architects know how to be documented.

On a computer it is access for all to know how.
Walk-through building simulations are a bleak future for Architects.
Glory today, gone tomorrow.
Visualize now where lack of drawing skills prevented.
Creativity and design expertise becomes a game.
Assimilate the pieces as you simulate the whole.
A la "Sim City™".
40 hours a week to earn a living.
40 hours in a week to learn a new living room.
Voila! Instant Architect!
Architecture becomes a game for all to play.
Power tools created the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) boom and made everyone a handyman.
Computers create the Design-Your-Own boom and make everyone a designer.
The stakes have been raised.
Are you still willing to play?

The Future of Architecture Table of Contents
Next Article: Client Design Systems

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