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television, cartoons and photographs

Television, movies and photographs are virtual experiences.
There is a famous story about the artist Pablo Picasso that illustrates the virtual effect of photographs.
Picasso was seated in a café and a stranger walks up to him and says, “Why do you paint like that? People don’t look like that. Why do you paint like that?”
Picasso replied, “What do you mean?”
The man then pulled out his wallet and a photograph of his wife. He looked at Picasso and said, “This is my wife, that’s what people look like.”
Picasso looked closely at the photograph and then said, “Your wife is very small and very flat.”
If we looked at a photograph in a literal way, it is merely some chemical emulsions on a plastic film.
Television literally is an excited electron methodically walking across a picture screen.
Cartoons are literally separate pictures flashed before our eyes at such a rate that we think they are connected and the image ‘appears’ to move.
Virtual products give the effect of something. In each of these cases, the photograph, the television and the cartoon give the effect of movement and ‘real’ images and people being shown across our screens. For anyone who has cried whilst watching a movie the effect is most certainly real!

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