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time and money

Two of the classic examples of virtual products are ‘time’ and ‘money’.
Whilst we don’t normally consider ‘time’ to be a product, it is a thing invented by humans and there are a number of products related to recording or measuring time. ‘Time’ is a virtual product because it has no ‘real form’. A clock for instance is not ‘time’, merely a measurement of time and it may not even be accurately aligned to the ‘real time’.
Money is a virtual product because it represents something else.
Let’s consider this with a literal example. I can walk into most shops in my neighbourhood and put a thin slip of plastic* on the counter and walk out with an ice cream, a coffee, a newspaper and a whole host of other things. The value of my money is not based upon the cost of printing the money, it is based upon the commonly agreed conversion rate of the product I’m buying.
*All bank notes in Australia are made from plastic.

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