The Idea Program

Properties of Information, Part 2

5 Circulation

Send a letter.
One for each person, physically copied and sent.
Send electronic mail.
Send once and received by as many people as desired.
Easier circulation, circulates more information.

6 Dispersion

Send information.
Each receiver can re-send it in a new form and context.
Scatter and multiply the original message.
Circulation ease disperses the original information further.

7 Concentration

Information can be concentrated.
Store an entire set of encyclopaedia on one CD.
More information can be condensed into greater concentrations.
Concentration promotes portability.
Portability changes the user's relationship to it.
New tasks in new places.

8 Feedback

Information circulated and retrieved very quickly,
updates quickly.
The new quickly displaces the old.
The time is now…
The time is now…
Feedback loops maintain usefulness through the continual updating of the everchanging display of current information.

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