The Idea Program

Past, Present and Future

"... learn to laugh at accepted solutions in order to change the demands which make them necessary."

Ivan Illich, Celebration of Awareness.

In the Industrial Age, buildings sat still and we lived in the leftover space.
A storage unit for your life, the butler provides the service.
A one hundred year old house - How nostalgic!
Renovate the past into an old future.
Cities as storage units for past lives.
Dead structures everywhere.
The flag of preservation and conservation is at half mast.
History is the rotten apple core of the curriculum.
The parade past by and my future hit me in the face.
Where did that come from?

In the Information Age, buildings respond to your every need.
Track the sun and follow the warmth.
Block the sun and keep your cool.
An everchanging world and an everchanging house.
Respond now!
No time to wait, I've changed my mind again.
The new demands renewable choices.
Software upgrades your house.
Plug it in and plug it on.
Optional extras for more power, more control.
Your house changes, 'At your leisure, madam.'
The future of architecture is the curriculum.
What's next?

The Future of Architecture Table of Contents
Next Article: 1,000,000 Buildings

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