The Idea Program

architectural know how

Summary: What do you know? This is the key to your future and how you package it is the key to the future of architecture.

What do Architects Know About?

Today's computers are capable of generating and processing more information than ever before at a cost less than ever before. The task today is not about generating quantities of information, it is about generating quality of information and delivering it in the shortest amount of time possible. Architects have always been providers of information services. Now there's a new twist to the game.

Traditionally, the architect provided their expertise in the form of drawings, drawings of completed buildings. The opportunity is now to deliver information to clients, in this case it may be other architects, in a form that is cheaper and easier to use from you, than it is for them to create it for themselves. Effectively the business you run on computer modelling is this type of spin-off service and becomes another revenue source that smooths the cash flow bumps out.

Three Questions

The key to providing this service is to ask yourself the two questions below. If you’re willing to take this on and explore these questions you can create the basis for entire new businesses based on information that you already know. The three questions are:
What do architects know about?
What do architects need to know about?
What do architects know that others need to know?

The answer to these questions will create the window of opportunity for your future in architecture.

How you package up your knowledge will be the key to your success.

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