The Idea Program

A Pattern of Form Conception

"The growth in understanding of spatial order seems to follow closely man’s own evolution as a conscious being. First as a tool of orientation, the ‘where’ of things, and eventually becoming the ‘how’ inherent in things."

Keith Critchlow, Order in Space.

In the Industrial Age, 2 1/2 D extrusions were in.
This is the language of the drawing board.
Conceive and deliver your building.
A box with ribbons.
Mass produce with the standard industrial tools.
Use a saw and have fun cutting out a circle.
The tool dominates.
The Medium is the Message.

In the Information Age, the computer is the tool.
It is objective, binary and mathematically based.
How do you describe an object on a computer?
Very precisely.
The loose sketch is a loose fit.
Re-invent the battle.
Describe a curve, add a laser.
Anything is possible.
Shift the form to 3D.
Marry the form and construction system.
Conceive new custom.
Bring forth the birth of a new age.
Celebrate architecture.
Celebrate life.

Related Article: From Drawing Board to Automation

The Future of Architecture Table of Contents
Next Article: Geometry

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