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internet examples

URL (Universal Resource Locator)
Each website page (and there are over 100,000,000 of them, has a unique page reference that defines the location of that resource. Your domain name (such as www.designprobe.com) is the key to the system. Likewise your email address is a personalized and unique address so that when an email is sent to you it goes only to you.

Personal Website
In contrast to the resources required to create your own newspaper, radio or television channel, the world wide web enables each person to create their own media channel. ie. their own personal website.

Unique Paths
Each visitor to the world wide web chooses their own path to follow as they surf through individual websites and across the entire internet. This is in direct contrast to watching television where the choices are limited to the channel you choose to watch.

A traditional radio or television presentation is considered a ‘broadcast’ because it is a single message cast as broadly as possible. The internet is a personal channel and a telecast directed at a single person or a small group is called a ‘personcast’. This may be used in business to circulate private documents or video footage to a select audience.

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