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about the author

Geoffrey McDonald began exploring technology as an architecture student in the early 1980’s.
Geoffrey McDonald“My vision uptil that time was to have a big architectural practice with lots of staff and drawing boards everywhere. In 1984, I saw a video about computers which speculated on the impact they would have on design. This video left a lasting imprint on me. After several weeks pretending that it would make no difference to my future, I faced upto the picture that computers were going to take over from drawing boards. I didn’t really know what difference this would make, I simply knew it would change everything.
“I came to the conclusion that if computers were going to have such an impact, then I had better find out what impact that would be. I have been finding out ever since.
“Along the way, I have completed a Masters degree in Architecture, worked in architect’s offices, learnt 5 different computer aided drawing (CAD) packages, spoke at leading international design conferences, studied visual art as a research method, wrote and published several books and ran an internet design business.
“I have also collected a considerable number of newspaper and magazine articles that highlight these principles and technological trends. These are now being compiled into a single database.
“The framework offered in this book, I have been using for more than five years to track trends in design and technology. Generally, this has proven to be a very simple and effective way of tracking what is going on in the world, explaining why particular issues are showing up and also spotting potential product failures because they are inconsistnet with these principles. Finally, I now offer it to you for your use.
“Enjoy the read and if you have any comment or suggestions for revised editions of this text, please email me at: geoff@designprobe.com.”
Geoff's signature
Geoffrey McDonald

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