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How Creative are You?

Here is a questionnaire for you to test 'How Creative Are You?' Find a pen and a piece of paper and take the test.
Download the complete article (pdf, 26kb) (Feel free to share with a friend or work colleague!)
1 Which of the following best describes you?
(a) I get a lot done, but I'm not busy
(b) I am usually busy
(c) I am always busy
2 Which of the following best describes your attitude to life?
(a) I only cook from a recipe
(b) I look in the cupboard and make up meals from what's available
(c) I eat out a lot
3 Which of the following best describes you?
(a) I sometimes stop and reflect on things.
(b) I rarely stop and reflect on things.
(c) I often give myself time to stop and reflect on things.
4 Which of the following is most accurate for you?
(a) Speaking is more important than listening for being creative
(b) Listening is more important than speaking for being creative
(c) Neither speaking or listening is important for being creative
5 Which of the following best describes you?
(a) I dwell a lot in the past
(b) I live in the present
(c) I like to speculate about the future
6 When you are in a restaurant, how do you choose your food?
(a) I look for my favourite meal
(b) I look for the meal that I would never cook for myself
(c) I look for the meal that I have not eaten previously
7 Which of the following is most accurate for you?
(a) I know very little
(b) I know a lot
(c) I want to know more
8 Which of the following best describes you?
(a) I make decisions based upon how I feel
(b) I make decisions based upon what I think
(c) I make decisions based upon what other people say
9 Which of the following best describes you?
(a) I am not creative
(b) I am sometimes creative
(c) I am creative
10 Which of the following is most accurate for you?
(a) I'm happy to let life unfold as it does
(b) I tend to respond to the challenges that life throws up
(c) I’m always plotting and scheming what’s next for me
11 Which of the following best describes you?
(a) I am free to play whenever I choose
(b) It is okay to play some of the time
(c) Playing is for children
12 Which of the following best describes you?
(a) I am concerned about the uncertainties of life
(b) I love to wonder what will happen in the future
(c) I am scared to think how the world will look in 100 years time
To score yourself
Download the complete article (pdf, 26kb) (Feel free to share me with a friend or work colleague!)



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