The Idea Program

No Comparison

The Drawing Board

The Computer

Computers transform how architecture is created.
Transform it or be transformed by it.

Computers allow the architect to extend their job description eightfold through generating a Lifetime Design Brief.
Extend your design service.
Extend your ability to profit.
If you don't, others will.

Computers create design systems and architects design software to assist everyone on the planet.
Systematize individual procedures into global practices and new products.
Accelerate the design process to access new markets.
Too slow and the window of opportunity closes.

Computers add intelligence to products.
Redefine and redesign your product and service.
Smarter architects for smarter buildings.
Dumb architects for dumb business.

Computers create DYO - "Design-Your-Own" and allow everyone to be an architect.
Facilitate the pattern or stay one step ahead.
The death of the architect as we know them.
Ignore at your peril.

Computers emphasize the design component of the building industry to heighten the importance of the architect.
Know what needs to be known.
Customize to your customers.
Package and deliver.
Self-importance is of no importance.

Computers allow the architect to automate all aspects of the construction industry.
Instead of designing 'what', design 'how'.
Productively invent new procedures.
Productively invent new tools.
Or play with old toys.

Computers facilitate information interchange.
Feed back and forward.
Structure the flow of your gold.
Banish Medusa or turn to stone.

Computers go beyond plans, elevations and sections.
Model your performance.
Increase your clients' performance.
Add more value or add less business.

Computers go beyond the electronic drawing board.
Go beyond what you know.
Go beyond what your clients' expect.
Go beyond what your industry is.
Re-invent the battle.

The Future of Architecture Table of Contents
Next Article: The New How

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Melbourne, Australia